Chongqing |
Mooncakes at Chong Qing
The Square near the Hotel
The famous Hotpot of Chong Ching
Dock 16 with the Cruise ferries
The brown of the Yang Tse mixes with some tributary
Jetfoils speed along
Another Watermixing line, while the weather remained far from excellent
From here we enter the Three Gorges move mouse over the map and click where relevant to go to pictures
Feng Jie |
Feng Jie Hell
A Very Heavy Piece of Metal ......
.... can be swung on top with experience and power
Hell! Sure!!
Qutang |
Here the water will reach to 175 meter after the dam is finished
The Entrance of Qu Tang
In Qu Tang
The entreance to the Lesser Gorges
Remaining square holes of long gone planking road
Close up
Lesser Gorges getting shallow
Waiting for others to come down first
Beautiful Lesser Gorges
Beautiful Lesser Gorges
Imposing Rockformations in the Lesser Gorges
Lesser Gorges Bridge from upstream
Wu Xia |
Wu Xia
Wu Xia
Goddess Peak
Wu Xia
The Three Gorges Dam |
Xi Ling Dam, the much discussed Three Gorges Project under construction
Past the dam, still rockformations
And a bird of pray
Close Up
Ychang, the end of the journey