The bridges of Shangai |
click on the indicated bridge-labels to see the picture
Although there are still some ferries over Huang Pu, more and more bridges and tunnels are built
Nord-East of Lujiazui is the Yangpu (1993)
South of Lujiazui is the Nanpu (1991)
With its beautiful, constantly developing view of Lujiazui
More South-West the Lupu, under construction in 2002-2003
and opened up on June 28, 2003
Lupu bridge can be climbed since
2009 delivering a magnificent view over the Expo2010 area
Further South again is the Xupu (1997)
To the West, where the Huangpu gets much more narrow is the Fengpu (1995) [ PDF ]
And on the road from Shanghai to Songjian the Songpu (1970)
A double decker (train below, cars, above) briddge with the necessary confluency of Rail and Road
Not over the Huang Pu, but in the South of the Provice, a 36 km long bridge has been constructed from 2003 - 2005
The Donghai bridge to the Deepsea Port
The Storyboard