back to 721-G Junkers Stuka (1969)
Junkers Ju.87 Dive Bomber "Stuka"
Courtesy of
Canadian Aces and Heroes
Technical Details
The Ju 87B-1 flew with a crew of 2, the pilot and a rear-gunner. The engine was an 880kW Junkers Jumo 211Da that could pull the aircraft up to 385km/h. It had an operational ceiling of 8000m and a range of only 600km. Its armament was three 7.9mm machine guns and either one 500kg bomb or four 50kg bombs fitted to racks either under the fusilage or under the inboard portion of the wings.
From 1942 on the Ju 87G-1 was a dedicated anti-tank aircraft on the eastern front. It was fitted with a 1400hp Junkers Jumo 211J engine. It had a maximum speed of 314km/h, a ceiling of 8000m and a very limited range of only 320km. The reduced speed and range was due to the armour plating installed to protect the pilot and gunner when flying low-level tank busting missions. It was armed with two 30mm cannons in pods under the wings and a 7.92mm machine gun in the back for the gunner.
On Sunday, November 04, 2001 8:33 PM the following message was sent, but up till now no answer received:
Dear Miles,
I'm a collector of Dinky Toys and maintain a website containing my
Searching for pictures of reals I found the
721-G: Junkers Stuka Ju 87 at
and the
062e-G: Supermarine Spitfire at on your site.
Can you please allow me to use (part of) them linked with/inside my
Of course I'll identify the source
Christiaan Boland,
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