back to 060A-F Mystère Fighter (1959)
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Empty weight:
Max weight:
Max speed:
4,46 m
12,9 m
1 Hispano-Suiza Tay de 2850 kg
5,8 T
10,4 T
2,6 T
Mach 0,94
670 Km
To replace the Ouragan, Dassault developed simultaneously the Mystere II (170 of which served for 3 years) and the Mystere IV which was a superior product.
The prototype of the Mystere IV was first flown on September 28, 1952 followed by 8 pre-series and 411 production aircraft.
The US financed 225 of these machines to provide assistance to France during this period of the Cold War and they continued to monitor these aircraft until they were retired from service.
The Armee de l'air received the first of its 242 Mystere IV A's in 1955. The Mystere IV A had a reputation of being pleasant and accurate to fly, which explains its use for aerobatics and flight training. Due to its high fuel consumption it was however limited in range and lacked thrust. This was why after the first 111 aircraft the British designed Tay engine was replaced by its higher thrust derivative, the Hispano-Suiza Verdon.
From the early 1960's the aircraft were progressively relegated to the ground attack role for which their performance remained very adequate. Others were transferred to Cazaux for familiarising young fighter pilots with high performance aircraft after having finished their courses on the Fouga Magister and the Lockheed T-33. They were replaced in this role by the Alpha-Jet in 1982.
The Mystere IV served with 14 squadrons, 2 operational training centers and the Patrouille de France aerobatics team (1957-1963).
110 Mystere IV A's were sold to India and 59 to Israel where they served during various conflicts. They were retired in the 1970's. During the Suez Crisis (1956) 18 aircraft of the 2nd Fighter Group of the Armee de l'Air were lent to Israel with their pilots and mechanics
The Ailes Anciennes Mystere IV was transferred from Cazaux as a donation of the US Air Force Museum in 1983.
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On Tuesday, March 19, 2002 2:10 AM the following message was received:
Hello Chistiaan,
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jf PATTE / Ailes Anciennes Toulouse
On Friday, April 26, 2002 10:46 PM the following message was received:
Hi Christiaan,
Thanks for visiting 1000aircraftphotos. You may link to matching photos as
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