Hawker Harrier
Courtesy of
Capitole Kit Club and Vic Flintham
The Thruster, the name of the game (Capitole Kit Club)
Harrier GR3 XV786/E of 4 Sqn taking off from a clearing in Germany (BAe)(Vic Flintham)
Following the success of the P.1127/Kestrel in demonstrating the viability of VTOL for a close support combat aircraft the type was ordered into production in mid 1966. Six development and 60 production aircraft were ordered. Whereas the Kestrel embodied about 50% of the structure of the P.1127, the Harrier was in many respects a new aircraft re-engineered around the more powerful Pegasus 101 engine.
First development Harrier XV276
GR Mark 1 The P.1127/7 first flew on 31 August 1966 (XV276)
and the first six development batch machines went to the manufacturer and
Boscombe Down for intensive trials, development and weapons work. The first
production aircraft (XV738) flew on 28 December 1967 and in January 1969 the
Harrier Conversion Team was formed which in turn became the Conversion Unit at
Wittering. It was there that the first VTOL squadron in the world, appropriately
No 1, was formed in July 1969. The GR Mk 1 was fitted with four underwing and
one fuslage pylons to accommodate a total of 5,000lbs of bombs or rockets. In
addition a pair of Aden 30mm cannon could be carried in detachable
under-fuselage pods.
Service Close support 1, 3,
4, 20 Training HCT/HOCU; 233 OCU
GR Mk 1 XV???/19 of the Harrier Operational
Conversion Unit at Chivenor in 1972 (Vic Flintham)
XV782/C of 4 Sqn banks over the Mohne Dam in
Germany (MoD)
GR Mark 1A Numerous GR Mk 1 aircraft were retro-fitted with
the Pegasus 102 of 20,500 lbs thrust as the Mark 1A.
Service Close support 1, 3, 4, 20
Training 233 OCU
T Mark 2 The trainer was a two-seat tandem variant with nose
and tail extensions of 47ins and 33ins respectively. They were fitted with an
extended under-fuselage strake and later in their service lives were given
taller fins. The engine was the Pegasus 101 of the GR Mk 1. The prototype
(XW174) flew on 24 April 1969 and the type was issued to squadrons as well as
the OCU.
Service Training 1, 3, 4; 233 OCU
XW175, the second development T Mk 2
T Mark 2A The Mark 2A designation was applied to eleven
examples of the T Mk 2 fitted with the Pegasus 102 engine. Most were fitted with
the taller fin.
Service Training 1, 3, 4; 233 OCU
T Mk 2A XW925/25 of the HOCU showing the
taller fin
GR Mark 3 The Mark 3 was developed from the GR Mk 1. As
additional aircraft were ordered to cope with attrition the number of changes
from the original was sufficient to merit a new designation. The more powerful
Pegasus 103 of 21,500 lbs thrust was fitted and other differences were connected
with sensors. The Ferranti LRMTS target seeker and marker was installed in a
revised nose and a passive warning receiver on the fin. 40 new build aircraft
were constructed but most were GR Mk 1/1A aircraft upgraded as they required
major servicing.
Service Close support 1, 3, 4,
20; 1351, 1417, 1453 Flts; 1 HarDet T
XV785/07 of 1 Sqn (Vic Flintham)
Naval GR3 XZ129 of the Engineer Training
School, seen here at Yeovilton in 1994 (Vic Flintham)
Mark 4 Like the GR Mk 3, the Mark 4 was a redesignation
given the number of changes to an earlier version, in this case the T Mk 2. The
changes were similar to those embodied on the GR Mk 3 but the T Mk 4 reverted to
the original, lower, fin of the early Mk 2. Like the Mk 2 the T Mk 4 was fully
combat capable.
Service Training 1, 3, 4; 233 OCU;
Gutersloh SF
T Mk 4 XW269/BD operated by the SAOEU at
Boscombe Down (Vic Flintham)
T Mark 4A The Mark 4A was similar to the T Mk 4 but without the laser nose.
The equipment was deleted to save weight, allowing increased range.
Service Training 233 OCU; RAE: 899 NAS
T Mk 4A XZ147/Z of 233 OCU with HRH Prince
Charles in the rear seat (MoD)
T Mark 4N The Mark 4N was built for the Royal Navy and was
similar to the T Mk 4A but with the Pegasus 104 engine.
Service Training 899 NAS
XW268/720VL of 899 NAS seen in 1994 in
special markings celebrating the 50th anniversary of the unit (Vic Flintham)
Harriers GR Mk 5 ZD401/AA and GR Mk 7 ZD432/N of 20(R) Sqn, 233 OCU get airborne from Boscombe Down in 1992 (Vic Flintham)
GR Mark 5 The next variant was a major re-design sufficient
to justify a new name let alone a new designation. The new type was the result
of USMC pressure for a more capable aircraft, building on experience with the
early Harrier (AV-8A); McDonnell Douglas was contracted to work on the new type
in 1978. The RAF also required a developed aircraft and BAe designed the machine
with a larger wing to specification ASR409. In the event in 1981 agreement was
reached for a common type to become the AV-8B/GR-5. The GR Mk 5 was built around
the Pegasus 105 engine with the new composite wing of much larger area and a
revised forward fuselage and cockpit with much better visibility. Eight
underwing and one underfuselage hardpoints allow the carriage of up to 9,200lbs
of stores plus two 25mm cannon. The avionics includes a Litton ASN 130 inertial
navigaion system, Hughes Angle Rate Bombing Set using both TV and laser trackers
and Ferranti moving map display. The prototype (ZD318) flew on 30 April 1985 and
the new version entered service with 1 Sqn in 1988. There were several problems
in introduction into service and in the event the GR5 was an interim type
pending the GR Mk 7.
Service Interdiction 1, 3, 4
Training 233 OCU Other SAOEU
Harrier 5 ZD409/06 of 1 Sqn which started its
career with the Harrier in 1969 (Vic Flintham)
Fine study of GR Mk 5 ZD377/AE of 233 OCU
Snow camouflaged GR Mk 5 ZD409/06 of 1 Sqn
GR Mark 5A The Mark 5A was similar to the GR Mk 5 but with fitments to GR Mk 7 standard. The airframes (nos 42-60) were placed in storage for full conversion later; the first was ZD432.
ZD468 in 1990 in interim configuration
T Mark 6 The Mark 6 was a proposal to bring the T Mk 4 to GR Mk 7 standard with night attack avionics; it was not pursued.
GR Mark 7 The definitive 'new Harrier' is similar in nearly
all respects to the GR Mk 5 but with night attack capability. This results in a
slight change in the nose profile to accommodate FLIR in a fairing above the
nose, while two smaller bulges below the nose house the forward Zeus ECM
antennae. The aircraft is effective at night through the provision of night
vision goggle (NVG) compatible instruments. Nine aircraft have been wired for
the Vinten camera pod used on the GR Mk 3 but with camera changes. Armament
remains as on the GR Mk 5 but with the Aden cannon still not operational at
December 1994.
Service Interdiction 1, 3, 4;
SAOEU/AWC Training HOCU (20)
ZG472/O of the AWC 1996 (Vic Flintham)
In contrasting grey camouflage ZD402/31 of 1
Sqn blasts off the runway at Farnborough in 1998 (Vic Flintham)
GR Mk 7 coded CD of 4 Sqn taking off from a roadway in Germany (MoD)
T Mark 8 The Mark 8 is the designation for two T Mk 4
trainers transferred to the Royal Navy when the T Mk 10 became available to the
Service Training 899 NAS
T Mk 8 ZD993/723VL of 899 NAS in black
anti-collision colours (Vic Flintham)
GR Mark 9 This is the intended designation for the GR Mk 7 mid-life update with the Pegasus 11-61 (flown in ZD402 in 1989), terrain referenced navigation system and provision for the AIM-120.
T Mark 10 The Mk 10 is a tandem trainer built to match the
GR Mk 7. The variant is fully combat capable, unlike the American TAV-8B, and
the prototype, ZH563, flew on 7 April 1994.
Training 1, 3, 4; HOCU (20) Trials DTEO
Like its single seat counterpart the trainer
came in two finishes - moss green or grey. Here is grey Mk 10 ZH656/104 of 3 Sqn
in 1998 (Vic Flintham)
Mark | Role | Engine | Thrust lbs | Weight lbs | Speed mph | Nos |
GR1 | Close support | Pegasus 101 | 19,500 | 23,500 | 730 | 84 |
GR1A | Close support | Pegasus 102 | 20,500 | 23,500 | 730 | * |
T2 | Trainer | Pegasus 101 | 19,500 | 26,200 | 720 | 16 |
T2A | Trainer | Pegasus 102 | 20,500 | 26,200 | 720 | 11 + |
GR3 | Close support | Pegasus 103 | 21,500 | 25,000 | 730 | 102 ~ |
T4 | Trainer | Pegasus 103 | 21,500 | 26,200 | 720 | 25 # |
T4A | Trainer | Pegasus 103 | 21,500 | 26,000 | 720 | 5 $ |
T4N | Trainer | Pegasus 104 | 21,500 | 26,000 | 720 | 3 |
GR5 | Interdiction | Pegasus 105 | 21,750 | 31,000 | 720 | 43 |
GR5A | Interdiction | Pegasus 105 | 21,750 | 31,000 | 720 | 19 |
T6 | Trainer | not pursued | ||||
GR7 | Interdiction | Pegasus 105 | 21,750 | 31,000 | 720 | 83 @ |
T8 | Trainer | Pegasus 104 | 21,500 | 26,000 | 720 | 7 ^ |
GR9 | Interdiction | Pegasus 11-61 | 23,800 | 31,500 | 720 | GR7 MLU |
T10 | Trainer | Pegasus 105 | 21,500 | 32,000 | 720 | 13 |
--- Harrier World Air Power Journal Vol 6 Aerospace Publishing, London, 1991
Braybrook, R British Aerospace Harrier and Sea Harrier Osprey, London, 1984
Calvert, D J Harrier Ian Allan, London 1990 Harrier Gunston, W Ian Allan, Shepperton, 1984
Gunston, W Harrier Story, The (Air Extra) Ian Allan, London, 1979
Mason, F K Harrier Patrick Stephens, Cambridge, 1986
Shaw, M Harrier GR3 Ian Allan, 1988
On Sunday, February 24, 2002 9:07 PM the following message was received:
On Monday, February 25, 2002 8:18 PM the following message was received:
That is fine as long as you credit me and put a link to my site. Let me
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Best wishes
Vic Flintham
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Dear Sir
Ok to used part
A+ Laurent (France)
Capitole Kit Club