back to 710-G Beechcraft S35 Bonanza

Beechcraft S35 Bonanza

Courtesy of

Peter Bergen of Aerofiles.Com for the Technical Data History


Gian J.Quasar of Bermuda-Triangle.Org for the Bermuda Triangle Story

Technical Data History
1945prototype165hp Continental E-185"32'10""""25'2"""992#650734522 V-tail 35 prototypes built one with laminar-flow wing another with Beech-NACA modification which was selected for the series.Delivery of first production as A-35 in February 1947 led to total of about 1500 by 1948.

© Beech
1951C35205hp Continental E-185----12990719-
Richard D. Siegrist
1956G35225hp E-225----25300476-
1957H35-------Start of the second-generation Bonanzas. Evolved into single-tail 33 Debonair series in 1959
© Beech
1960M35250hp LO-470C--1118#1245-400ceiling: 20.000'
1961N35260hp IO-470N-----280-
1961O35------1Laminar-flow wing
1962P35260hp IO-470N-----467-
1964S35285hp IO-520B-"26'9"""---6676 pax

© Unknown
1966V35285hp IO-520B-----662-
© Beech
1966V35TC Turbo Bonanza TSIO-520D"33'0""""27'0"""1350#1060-79ceiling: 29500'

Upon request for permission to publish
February 01, 2003 8:40 PM the following message was received:

As long as our copyright information in retained, you are welcome to use those aircraft requested on your site.

I visited your home page and had a smile or two from it -- I have a few old Dinkys on my shelf (doesn't everybody?) Incidentally, your "F-47" is really a "P-47." The F-designation was not used at the time of that version, which appears to be the H model, prior to 1948.[thanks and correctd, CB]

Peter Bergen / Aerofiles

back to 710-G Beechcraft S35 Bonanza N8695M (1965)

Lost in The Bermuda Tiangle
Marsh Harbour, Great Abaco Island, is a popular destination in the Bahamas. It was from here, on return trip, that Fred and Gloria Andrews took off on September 28, 1982, at 9:15 a.m.
They were heading to Fort Pierce, Florida. Most of the route is over or in the vicinity of Grand Bahama. Then from there across the Gulf Stream to the Florida coast.
Fred Andrews was familiar with the route and was a good pilot. He didn't bother or have the need to contact Miami. He knew his way around. After passing the last landmark on Grand Bahama, he headed northwest for Fort Pierce.
Miami was tracking the airplane's transponder code. At precisely 10:53 a.m. the signal suddenly stopped.
The search was continued until the 7th of October, at which point the units were finally disbanded to other duties.
It grows tiring to repeat that no debris was found and no Mayday was sent.
Weather was also fair: 2,000 feet scattered, 2,500 feet broken, overcast at 10,000; visibility 10 miles, light rain in some areas, temp. 77o, wind 100o at 6 knots.

Fred Andrews was flying another stalwart and popular Beechcraft Bonanza. He was also on a crowded route. No trace.

Upon request for permission to publish
Sunday, February 02, 2003 9:47 AM the following message was received:

Yes, that's fine.


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