062w-G Imperial Airways Frobisher Class Liner G-AFDI (1939)
Pre-war version of De Havilland Albatros Mail liner
with gliding hole
062w-G Imperial Airways Frobisher Class Liner G-AFDI (1939)
Click on the planes for more information
For the use of the gliding hole, there are
gliding instructions
Imperial Airways Frobisher Class Liner G-AFDI on Postcard
Mike Charlton's Aviation Postcard Website
previously at www.maglas.freeserve.co.uk/section1may2001.htm, refound at www.aviationpostcard.co.uk
The G-ADFI a "De Havilland DH.84" of Aberdeen Airways, crashed without registered casualties in 1937 at Thurso, UK
See also
Four Engined Liner (1945), or goto
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