060r Empire Flying Boat "Caledonia" G-ADHM (1938)
with gliding hole, orange plastic roler and closed bow casting
060r Empire Flying Boat "Centurion" G-ADVE (1938)
with gliding hole, red plastic roler and closed bow casting, but unfortunately broken wingtip
in square box with name label
060r Empire Flying Boat "Cambria" G-ADUV (1940)
no gliding hole, red plastic roller and simplified bow casting
060r Empire Flying Boat "Canopus" G-ADHL (1945)
no gliding hole, brass roller and simplified bow casting
060r Empire Flying Boats "Canopus" G-ADHL, "Cambria" G-ADUV and "Caledonia" G-ADHM
See also 063 Mayo Composite G-ADHK and G-ADHJ (1939) or go to top of page