a monument for our parents
The tomb on my parents' grave was designed and made by Michel Kuipers(Dutch). He is a sculpturer working mainly with ceramics and specialised in creating tomb-art.
As we wanted the sundial, that my parents liked so much, to be placed on the grave we went to Michel with the request to see if he could make an artwork with that sundial.
Michel developed a monument expressing the contrast between father and mother, while at the same time underlining their being a wholesome. Father was wide in interests and quite filling his space, systematic and always intrigued by the significance of numbers. Mother was the nucleus of her family, warm and within her smaller space wrestling to get above the current level of understanding of life. The sundial is and was mounted on a beautiful piece of rock here symbolising if you want the heavy burden that the brain operation of my father thirty years ago was to their marriage and family. The undulation south of the sundial forms the sculptured shadow of the stone on the marriage blocking out the XI, XII and I of the dial in the centre. Time doesn't repeat itself. X, neon, is that what is new and marks the changeover from mothers' sand into fathers' green. The sundial happens to be such that nature's time, the shadow on the dial is away from the grave. Besides the names and dates, no text explains what the monument can tell. The explanation is in the eye of the beholder.
In remembrance of Henricus Andries Boland 12-12-12 / 27-12-97 and Tie Boland-Kuilman 18-4-16 / 4-3-98
married since 21-3-44